So recently I have discovered a truth that I should have been taking advantage of a long time ago. You can check out books from the library and read them. I know this is a simple idea, but I have always thought that if there was a book I want to read, I should just buy it. Since I have been in Seminary there have been so many books I want to read that I can't even count the prospects... This makes the library a great resource!
So some books that I've always wanted to read but never have....
Mere Christianity and
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis,
Lectures to My Students by Charles Spurgeon, and
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul- but there will be many more. These books have so much teaching and analogy that I've heard all my life, but now I am getting it at the source.
I want to encourage anyone who has stopped by to read. Most importantly we should read the word of God because it is the single most important thing that we could ever read. We are saved by hearing and believing the word of God, we're instructed, and we see the very nature of who God is. Also, it is important to read because authors like C.S. Lewis and Charles Spurgeon can spur you on towards thinking harder and being more passionate about God and about life. I know that is true for me.
Here are some resources for reading the Bible:
And you already have my latest "libraried books" but here are some others I'm reading...
John Piper
Don't Waste Your Life
Brennan Manning
The Ragamuffin Gospel