You were created on purpose. You are not an accident. God created you to bring him glory. We were made to have a relationship with him.
Sadly, since we all have sin and we fall short of God's glory we have separated ourselves from God. (Romans 3:23)
When I was growing up as part of a "Christian" family I thought I knew all about Jesus. I knew he walked on water, he fed 5000 people, I even knew he died on a cross and rose from the dead to pay for our sins. If you asked me if I believe in Jesus I would say "Yes!" The truth is that I merely knew about him. I didn't have a real relationship with Jesus as my Lord.
He calls us to do a lot more than say a prayer or make a confession. In Luke Jesus says that if we want to be his disciple we must take up our cross and follow him (Luke 9:23). We have to be willing to live for him and willing to die for him. That's not a popular altar call.
When I was twelve years old I had been hearing the Gospel, that Jesus came and lived a sinless life and died on a Roman Cross and Rose again to pay for our sins and that to be saved into a right relationship with God I had to give him my life and believe in him with everything that I am. So as my Mom was stopping the car fast I remember thinking to myself, "if I die I don't think I will go to Heaven. I don't really know Jesus I just know about him." So then and there I gave him my whole life. I put all my trust in him for salvation.
From that point he started to change me. It was slow at first, but as I began to seek him in prayer and in studying the Bible he continued working out my salvation more evidently. With the help of other believers I grew stronger in my faith and Jesus continues to grow me closer to him and teaches me how to fight temptation and hate sin.
Trusting in Christ is not just getting out of Hell. It's living real life that is fulfilling. It doesn't mean that you will be rich, successful, or healthy. Jesus told his disciples, "in this world you will face troubles, but take heart for I have overcome the world." John 16:32. The benefit that you feel from giving your life to Christ is not expressed externally, but internally. Living life the way that God designed it as his child is transformational. When you see this world as temporary, you are able to truly give all you are to his kingdom. Paul even said that "to live is Christ, to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21)